Do This Exercise To Reduce Cheeks chubby - chubby cheeks for some people sometimes becomes a problem that interfere appearance.Various way they do to reduce the chubby cheeks.
The formation of chubby cheeks usually because of the large fat which accumulates in the fat cheeks someone.Gathering can make people look fatter than actually.But them know you fat because of the addition, chubby cheeks are also caused due to lack of drinking water.
Actually, to reduce chubby cheeks there an easy way that can be done without having to go through liposuction surgery fat.Yet it all must be accompanied by the intention and enterprising to do.
following healthy tips to shrink the chubby cheeks:
1. Lose weight
Burn the fat in the body also can burn fat in the cheeks, which could ultimately shrink the chubby cheeks. Reduce your daily calorie intake and doing exercise to lose weight.
2. Increase fluid intake
When dehydrated, the body will retain water and can make the cheeks look puffy. In addition to drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day, eat foods with high water content such as celery, melon, and watermelon can help the body's hydration.
3. Consumption of 1,200 mg of calcium per day
High calcium intake can reduce water retention in the face. You can get the required amount of calcium through food sources such as milk and cheese, or by taking a daily supplement.
4. Steer clear of substances that act as a diuretic (a lot of urination)
Limit substances that act as a diuretic (causes a lot of urination) such as alcohol and caffeinated beverages. Also limit your intake of salt, processed foods, fast food, chips and canned food in your daily menu. This is because the substance diuretic and high salt can cause the body to store more water.
5. Do yoga facial
Facial yoga or yoga involves a variety of facial expressions to alter your appearance. Form of yoga facial can tighten the muscles in the face.
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